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    Linden Tree Elementary Magnet School for Global Leaders of Innovation & Discovery
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    Linden Tree Elementary Magnet School for Global Leaders of Innovation & Discovery
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    Linden Tree Elementary Magnet School for Global Leaders of Innovation & Discovery
  • Thanksgiving Recess

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    Linden Tree Elementary Magnet School for Global Leaders of Innovation & Discovery
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    School is Closed

    Linden Tree Elementary Magnet School for Global Leaders of Innovation & Discovery
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School Information

School Hours 8:05 AM - 2:35 PM

Arrival Procedures: 
Pre-K and Kindergarten: students should be dropped off on St. Raymond Street through the parking lot. Doors will open at 8:20 AM and close at 8:30 AM. Students are considered late after 8:30 AM and must enter through the main entrance on Castle Hill Ave with school safety for a late pass. 
Grades 1 - 5: Students should be dropped off in the schoolyard entrance on Purdy Street (near the soccer field). Doors open at 8:00 AM for breakfast/early drop off and close at 8:15 AM. Students are considered late after 8:15 AM and must enter through the main entrance on Castle Hill Ave for a late pass. 

Dismissal Procedures:
Pre-K and Kindergarten: Students should be picked up on St. Raymond Street through the parking lot; at the same door as arrivals. Doors open at 2:10 PM and close at 2:30 PM. If you are late picking up, you may use the Castle Hill auditorium exit for late pick ups. 
Grades 1-5: All students will be dismissed from the Castle Hill auditorium door. Doors open at 2:35 PM and close at 3:00 PM.

Staff will have a sign-out sheet to release children to authorized family members included on the emergency blue card.
Please remember that we will NOT release children to anyone whose name does not appear on the emergency blue card.

Parent/Guardian Communication: 
As a school, we will continue to share school-wide news and class stories on DOJO; however, we will no longer use it to communicate individually with families, staff, or teachers. If you have an immediate question or concern, please contact the main office and ask to speak with our Parent Coordinator, Maria Centeno. All teachers and staff have a NYC DOE email address which is shared on our website. Teachers will also have weekly office hours to support families.
We encourage families to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and visit our website at www.LindenTree567.com

COVID-19 Guidance: 
What To Do When Sick
Stay Home
- Rest can help you and your child get better sooner, and it helps prevent the spread of germs.
- Children with diarrhea should stay home until the diarrhea has stopped (stools are formed).
- Anyone with a fever should stay home until, for at least 24 hours, they have had no fever without taking fever-reducing medicine and symptoms are improving, or until their doctor says it is okay to go back to school or daycare.

Please note that based on your child's symptoms, your school nurse may determine your child must stay home for other reasons based on their professional judgement.
- Please call your school or school nurse to let them know if your child has a confirmed diagnosis of an illness that can spread to others.
- If your child is having difficulty breathing, call your doctor right away.

Based on updated health guidance, instead of a minimum isolation period, people with COVID-19 should stay home and away from others based on their symptoms, similar to how they would for other respiratory infections, like flu and RSV.

  • If your child has COVID-19 symptoms, they should still get tested and separate from others right away.
  • Your child should stay home until, for at least 24 hours, they have had no fever without taking fever-reducing medicine and other COVID-19 symptoms are getting better.
  • If your child tests positive for COVID-19 but has no symptoms, they do not need to stay home but they still need to take the below steps to prevent spreading the virus to others.
  • Additional COVID-19 information can be found here.